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Учредитель РАДС
Торгово-промышленная палата Российской Федерации

Генеральный Союз торговых, промышленных и сельскохозяйственных палат арабских стран

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February 27, 2007

Russia: all regions. Trade and investment guide

Ladies and gentlemen!

The Council for Trade and Economic Cooperation (Russia – USA) is pleased to introduce to you a national and international periodical source of reference “Russia: All Regions. Trade and Investment Guide”, Moscow, 2006, in the Russian and English languages, hard copies and electronic versions.

The one-volume Guide of about 1200 pages, created with the participation of the executive authorities in all regions contains the fullest information demonstrating dynamics of the economic, resource, foreign trade and investment potentials in each of the 88 constituent entities of the Russian Federation over the last eight years.

  • A uniform structure for the description of each individual region;
  • Each region is preceded by an address of the head of the regional administration;
  • Economic maps of the regions, brief general information, telecom and personal data for the heads of economic divisions in the regional administrations are included;
  • Labor resources, growth dynamics and GRP structure by sectors, current situation and forecasts for industrial production by major sectors, fuel /energy balances, transport infrastructure, natural resources, products, structure and geography for exports and imports;
  • A broad picture of the regions’ demand for investment is presented indicating: capital investment dynamics, including foreign investment; major companies, including those with foreign participation, investment friendly sectors; data on regional privileges and advantages available to investors. The Guide publishes data on 950 real investment projects supported by regional administrations.
  • Annex to the Guide includes materials on the R.F. Tax System, R.F. Law on foreign investment; and the Law on the delimitation of the authority in the field of foreign trade activities between the R.F.
  • Government and state authorities of the constituent entities of the R.F.
  • A well developed system of subject/topics references insures a user friendly operation for the Guide.
  • The electronic version of the publication (CD-ROM) offers various options for the search and grouping of the information by specific aspects of the regions’ description.

Prices, VAT included (no delivery):

  • Hard copy or CD, Russian version 3 450 roubles or $ 115
  • Hard copy or CD, English version 11 850 roubles or $ 395
  • Set 1 (Hard copy and CD-ROM), Russian version 4 830 roubles or $ 160
  • Set 2 (Hard copy and CD-ROM), English version 16 590 roubles or $ 550
  • Set 3 (Set 1 + Set 2) 19 890 roubles or $ 660

Contact information:

Russian-Arab Business Council

Natalya Sherbakova

Tel. +7 (495) 620-03-15


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