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Торгово-промышленная палата Российской Федерации

Генеральный Союз торговых, промышленных и сельскохозяйственных палат арабских стран

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December 3, 2004

International Forum of Businesswomen was held in Russian CCI on November 29-30, 2004

On November 29, 2004 the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation was the venue of the International Forum of Women Entrepreneurs under the auspices of the RF CCI and the Russian-Arab Business Council. The theme of the forum discussions was: “Women and Business. Experience, Problems and Prospects.”

Attending the forum were women entrepreneurs from Moscow and different Russian regions who succeeded in their careers and are now heads of major companies or major entrepreneurs themselves. Alongside representatives of business circles, women in high governmental posts and high-ranking social workers and representatives of women’s associations from Moscow and different regions attended the forum.

RF CCI Vice-President S.Katyrin addressed the forum saying that in Russia as elsewhere the companies led by women are mainly in the category of small- and medium-sized businesses, but nevertheless they create new jobs significantly contributing to the national economy. He wished to the participants of the forum success in their work, saying that suggestions and recommendations worked out at its sessions will be used by RF CCI in its work. The Chamber will promote them in the executive and the legislature.

S.Katyrin presented awards to businesswomen in the nomination “For Business Success”.

The prizewinners included:

  • A.Vitkovskaya, General Director of “Novaya Zarya”
  • E.Semyonova, General Director of “TPK Oblkulttorg”, Tyumen
  • I.Elderkhanova, Chairman of the Board of the Confectionary Factory “Konfael”

Speaking at the forum T.Gvilava, President of the Association “Women and Business”, Director of the Russian-Arab Business Council said that in the past decade the process of participation of businesswomen in the Russian economy was dynamic. New opportunities opened for women who are now more active in establishing small and medium-sized firms, companies and associations.

According to T.Gvilava, Russia’s female population amounts to 78 million, or 53% of the total population. 32 million women are engaged in Russian economy. Women’s business development is more dynamic than men’s, outperforming its growth rates by 1.7 times. Provided this trend persists next year, women will head up to 40% of Russian businesses. Russia is the world’s leader in the number of women in management.

President of the Association “Women and Business” mentioned that in the past 6 years the number of women in Moscow’s small business grew from 32.9% to 43.7%. Female entrepreneurship is becoming more stable and profitable, and is thus more and more viewed as a major source of provision of jobs and a promising direction of economic development.

The businesswomen in their international forum exchanged opinions on issues of raising the role of women in developing small- and medium-sized businesses and summed up successes of entrepreneurial activities.

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