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Торгово-промышленная палата Российской Федерации

Генеральный Союз торговых, промышленных и сельскохозяйственных палат арабских стран

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April 25, 2008

Russian-Algerian Business Council Revs Up Work

The Russian-Algerian Business Council recently held a meeting in Algeria during which members ‎discussed the development program for the body. The goal of the program is to promote economic ‎development and commercial partnership between the two countries.

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Attending the meeting on behalf of Algeria were General Director of the Algerian Chamber of ‎Commerce and Industry Mohamed Chami, chairman of the Algerian delegation to RABC M.Kamel ‎Abderrahim, and other officials. Taking part on behalf of Russia were the representative of the chairman ‎of the Russian delegation Victor Lorents, First Vice-President of Stroytransgaz Leonid Bokhanovsky; ‎Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation in Algeria Alexander Egorov; ‎and Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Algeria Alexei Shatilov.

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During the meeting, M.Kamel Abderrahim noted that the Algerian side has sincere intentions of ‎enlivening the work of Russian and Algerian company-members of the RABC. Mr. Abderrahim singled out ‎as desirable the spheres of construction, industry, finance, agriculture and trade, chemistry and ‎pharmacology, and tourism.

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Leonid Bokhanovsky confirmed the commitment on the part of the Russian side to fill the program to ‎develop the business council with real substance. Mr. Bokhanovsky proposed appointing representatives ‎from each side for each of the designated areas of commercial-economic partnership and conducting ‎working meetings of Russian and Algerian sections of the council to formulate concrete proposals. These ‎plans, he suggested, would then be forwarded for consideration to the Russian-Algerian ‎Intergovernmental Commission. Mr. Bokhanovsky further advised that it would be expedient to create a ‎single informational resource that could respond to the interests of Russian and Algerian companies ‎wishing to develop business in the partner country. Finally, he proposed holding the next joint meeting of ‎the RABC in October in Moscow, timing it to coincide with the first Arab exposition, Arabia-EXPO 2008. ‎‎

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The Stroytransgaz representative also expressed hope that fulfillment of contracts between Russian ‎and Algerian companies – something the council had initiated – would be realized within the framework of ‎the Russian-Algerian Business Council.

Source: JSC "Stroytransgaz"

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