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Торгово-промышленная палата Российской Федерации

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April 15, 2010

Organizing Committee of "Arabia-EXPO" Holds a Session

The RF CCI has held a session of the organizing committee of “Arabia–EXPO” exhibition.

The participants of the session included RF CCI president Evgeni Primakov, RF CCI vice-president Georgi Petrov; Moustafa Melikov, deputy director for foreign economic relations of the JSC “Crocus International”, Aleksandr Arutyunov, president of JSC “VAO Intourist”, Tatiana Gvilava, director of the Russian-Arab Business Council, Djoumaa Ibrahim al-Ferdjani, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the League of Arab States, officials of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the management of the Frontier and Customs Services, heads of diplomatic missions of a number of Arab states and Russian and foreign journalists.

RF CCI president Evgeni Primakov opened the session. In the speech he made he noted that the Chamber of Commerce and Industry attributes great importance to holding the 2nd “Arabia-EXPO” in Moscow.

The event gives the Russian business community a chance to learn more about the progress made by Arab states and to conclude agreements on further cooperation. The Chamber is interested to see that the 2nd “Arabia-EXPO” is a success, the RF CCI head mentioned.

Evgeni Primakov then turned to a number of organisational issues calling on the officials of the ministries and federal agencies present at the session to get more involved in cooperation in the process of preparation of the exhibition, as well as operative solving of the issues relating to its holding. The RF CCI president asked the heads and representatives of diplomatic missions of the Arab nations in Moscow to find ways to assist the organizers of events at the exhibition in solving issues like organization of arrivals of national delegations and their heads.

Moustafa Melikov, deputy director for foreign economic relations of the JSC “Crocus International” was the next to speak. He briefed the audience on the capacity of the international exhibition complex “Crocus Expo”, and said that the complex was ready to hold the exhibition taking into consideration all requests of its participants. Moustafa Melikov noted that the complex has opened the hotel “Aquarium” on its territory, where some Arab exponents and guests have already booked rooms.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Djuma Ibrahim al-Ferdjani informed the session participants that the Arab side had already studied the terms of holding the event, and information about it had been despatched to all the Arab League member-states.

Aleksandr Arutyunov, president of the JSC “VAO Intourist” noted that his company is the principal tourist operator of the exhibition taking responsibility for all issues relating to boarding, logistics and transfer of the guests of the exhibition.

The session ended in a discussion of a number of organisational issues relating to the preparation and running the exhibition.

Source: Information Р В°nd Public Relations Department, CCI RF

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