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Торгово-промышленная палата Российской Федерации

Генеральный Союз торговых, промышленных и сельскохозяйственных палат арабских стран

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April 29, 2008

First Russian Exhibition in Saudi Arabia and the Russian-Saudi Business Forum

The First Russian Exhibition ‎‎“Russia and Saudi Arabia: New ‎Prospects for Trade and ‎Industrial Cooperation” took ‎place in Riyadh in the end of ‎April 2008. “Alagat”, the largest ‎exhibition company in the ‎Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, acted ‎as the organizer of the Arab side, ‎‎“Negus Expo” exhibition ‎company became the organizer ‎of the Russian side, backed by ‎the Chamber of Commerce and ‎Industry of the Russian ‎Federation and the Russian-Arab ‎Business Council. The exhibition ‎aimed at the promotion of the ‎economic relations between the ‎two countries and exploration of ‎new ways of interaction.‎The list of exhibitors included ‎representatives of large business ‎‎(Russian Railways) and Russian-‎Arab Business Council member ‎companies (OAO ‎‎“StroyTransGaz”, JSFC ‎‎“Sistema”, Vnesheconombank). ‎The exhibition stands of these ‎companies showcased ‎contemporary technologies and ‎specimens of products and ‎services intended for export. The ‎visitors of the exhibition showed ‎interest for the current situation in ‎the spheres of trade and industry ‎in Russia, as well as the ‎consumer goods. The exhibition ‎stand of the apiaries of Northern ‎Caucasus Republics that ‎showcased different sorts of ‎natural honey and honey ‎products became an instant ‎attraction of the event.‎ ‎

The Saudi entrepreneurs ‎attending the exhibition ‎discussed future opportunities for ‎business trips to Russia and ‎searching for business partners ‎in different spheres of economic ‎activity.‎ ‎‎The Embassy of the Russian ‎Federation in Saudi Arabia ‎provided a valuable assistance to ‎the organization and holding of ‎the exhibition. The Ambassador ‎Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary ‎H.E. Victor Kudryavtsev attended the ‎opening ceremony.‎ ‎

‎Within the exhibition ‎schedule the Russian-Saudi ‎Business Forum was held in the ‎headquarters of the Council of ‎the Chambers of Commerce and ‎Industry of Saudi Arabia. The ‎Forum’s agenda included a ‎plenary session that was ‎attended by more than 200 ‎Russian and Saudi businessmen, ‎officials, representatives of ‎ministries and institutions, as well ‎as round-table discussions on ‎the following topics: Fuel and ‎Energy; Banking, Investment and ‎Construction; Tourism, ‎Exhibitions and Young ‎Businessmen Activity. The ‎round-table discussions included ‎presentations of participating ‎companies, negotiations on the ‎opportunities for bilateral ‎cooperation. ‎ ‎

During the plenary session ‎the representatives of the ‎Russian Arab Business Council ‎made a presentation of the First ‎Arab Exhibition in Moscow ‎‎“Arabia-EXPO”.‎ ‎

‎The Forum attracted a lot of ‎attention in business circles of ‎both countries. Some bilateral ‎business meetings were held. ‎The Forum was attended by a ‎number of leading Saudi and ‎international TV channels, ‎newspapers and other media. ‎Coverages and interviews were ‎published in the central Arab-‎language newspaper “Riyadh” ‎and broadcasted by the Channel ‎Two of the Saudi Television.‎ ‎

‎During the Forum it was ‎decided that the next meeting of ‎the Russian and Saudi ‎businessmen would take place ‎during the Jubilee Session of the ‎Russian-Arab Business Council ‎within the “Arabia-EXPO” ‎exhibition in October 2008.‎

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