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Arab-Russian forum adopts unified stance to resolve Arab issues December 4, 2014

Arab-Russian forum adopts unified stance to resolve Arab issues

Khartoum, 4 Dec 2014 :The 2nd Arab-Russian Cooperation Forum Wednesday concluded its sessions in Sudan’s capital Khartoum and adopted a unified stance to resolve all the Arab issues through peaceful means.

The forum announced that the participants have reached a unified joint prospect on the importance of creating suitable circumstances so that all the peoples of the region could develop their countries based on the privacy of each state and traditions of each people, Xinhua reported.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Sudan’s Foreign Minister Ali Karti and Arab League (AL) Secretary General Nabil Elaraby held a joint press conference at the conclusion of the forum Wednesday.

“We had wide discussions on the topics and issues in the Middle East region and north Africa, and I’m glad to affirm that we have adopted a unified stance on necessity to resolve all the issues through peaceful means and via involving all the concerned parties on bases of respecting the United Nations Charter,” said Lavrov.

“We have attached a special concern to the importance of finding solutions to the Palestinian issue, where the failure to resolve this issue has become contributing to the instability in the region,” he added.

He further urged the international community to intensify the efforts to allow the Palestinian people to achieve their right in establishing an independent state that lives with the neighbouring countries.

Sudan’s Foreign Minister Ali Karti said the forum availed a wider space to Sudan’s issues and welcomed the initiative of the Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir for national dialogue.

He added that “the forum expressed concern over the unilateral economic sanctions been imposed on Sudan and reiterated its support for Sudan to find a settlement for its external debts.”

AL Secretary General Nabil Elaraby said “the forum was a good opportunity for the Arab countries and Russia to discuss vital issues such as Syria, Yemen and Libya, and particularly what is currently going on in Sudan and the desire of all the Arab countries to see Sudan surpasses this phase.”

The 2nd Arab-Russian Cooperation Forum started Wednesday in Sudanese capital of Khartoum with the participation of Russian and Arab foreign ministers and secretary general of the Arab League. It was also decided to that the Russian-Arab Business Council would act as the main tool for fulfilling the economic agenda of the Forum.

The Arab-Russia cooperation forum was established in December 2009 and held its first session in Moscow in 2013.

Source: Muslim Mirror, IANS, Russian-Arab Business Council

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