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Dec 10, 2007
Chamber of Commerce&Industry, Udmurt Republic Looks for Bahraini Companies
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Udmurt Republic (Russian Federation) looks forward to cooperating with a number of Bahraini companies that specialize in the following sphere:
- Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical Industries
- Producers of Mineral Fertilizers
If you are a representative of one of such companies, please contact us ASAP.
Back to the list of proposals
Please note that this parthership proposal may be urgent. In case you find this information interesting, please do not hesitate to contact the Russian-Arab Business Council using the following contact information:
Tel.: 007 495 620 03 13 (Business Projects Department)
Fax: 007 495 620 02 55 (please sign your fax message for Mr. Oleg Popkov or otherwise make a note that your message comes in reply to one of our proposals)
Email: popkov@tpprf.ru